Academic Articles

 The Symbolism of the Lamb in the Book of Revelation (2005)Download the PDF file here
 Book Review: "The Splendor of Creation" by Fr. Ianuzzi (2005)Download the PDF file here
 The Two Time Periods in the Central Part of the Book of Revelation (2006)Download the PDF file here
 The Two Witnesses of Apocalypse 11 (2006)Download the PDF file here
 The Millennium and the Mystery of Iniquity: Revelation 20,1-6 (2007)Download the PDF file here
 The Mystical Interpretation of Revelation 12 (2007)Download the PDF file here
 Historical Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation (2008)Download the PDF file here
 The Problem of Imminence in the Book of Revelation (2008)Download the PDF file here
 The Final Judgment in the Book of Revelation (2008)Download the PDF file here
 The Identification of Babylon in Revelation 17-18 (2009)Download the PDF file here
 Article Review: "When will the Prophecies of the Apocalypse be Fulfilled?" (2009)Download the PDF file here
 The Imagery of the Book of Revelation (2010)Download the PDF file here
 When Does The Final Seven-Year Period Begin? (2011) Download the PDF file here
 Book Review: "The Lamb's Supper" by Dr. Scott Hahn (2011)Download the PDF file here
 A Quick Guide to the Book of Revelation (2014) Download the PDF file here
 Historicity of the Mishnaic Tractates Tamid and Yoma (2017) Download the PDF file here
 Interpreting the Book of Revelation (2017) Download the PDF file here
 Revelation 12-22 Myth History and Endtime Prophecy (2018) Download the PDF file here
 The Author of the Book of Revelation (2018) Download the PDF file here
 The Johannine Question Answered (2019) Download the PDF file here
 The Historical Background to the Book of Revelation (2019) Download the PDF file here
 The Composition and Structure of the Book of Revelation (2019) Download the PDF file here
 Mt. Arbel, the Essenes and the Book of Parables (2020) Download the PDF file here
 New Light on Essene Origins and History (2020) Download the PDF file here
 Jesus and the Cave-dwellers (2021) Download the PDF file here
 Refutation Apocalypse Deception (2021) Download the PDF file here
 The Parables of Enoch (2021) Download the PDF file here
 The Cave-dwellers of Mt Arbel (2021) Download the PDF file here
 Damascus is Damascus: Revisiting the Birthplace of the Essenes (2021) Download the PDF file here
 Saint John: Apostle or Incognito (2022) Download the PDF file here
 The Essenes of Mount Arbel and Jerusalem    NEW  Download the PDF file here
 Josephus and the Essenes    NEW  Download the PDF file here
 The Characterization of Q    NEW  Download the PDF file here
 The Son of Man Debate    NEW  Download the PDF file here
 The Suffering Messiah    NEW  Download the PDF file here
 Redemption Begins at Mount Arbel    NEW  Download the PDF file here
 The Historical Jesus: a New Source    NEW  Download the PDF file here